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  • The Unblog

    Wednesday, December 24, 2008

    Exploring the Better Future blog at Global Dialogue Center

    Here is the home of my monthly blog at Global Dialogue Center:


    Thursday, September 14, 2006

    Everyone says I should blog...

    I write a lot! Every month I publish a newsletter available free from my website (www.Renesch.com), I'm working on two books, I write several articles a year for other periodicals and I do an occasional op-ed. Isn't this enough?

    I tell this to my coach and he says, "Start a blog and say just that." Then I tell him I just don't feel like becoming a blogger... seems to me it is a public pulpit for people who want to say something...anything...even if no one is paying attention....beside, I lament, it screams of "opinionism" to me (this is a word I coined in my new book for the American trend of expressing an opinion of just about anything...a favorite pasttime of cable TV anchors, radio talk show hosts, webcasters of all sorts and, now, just about everybody else! "I opine therefore I am."

    My coach says, "Then say that!"

    I hate it...but he's my coach and I now have homework. So I'm starting "the unblog." And now, I've said that.